MCC (Minimal Creditable Coverage)

Under the Massachusetts Health Care reform Act, most Massachusetts residents 18 or older must carry health insurance that meets specific standards called Minimum Creditable Coverage (MCC).

What is MCC?
MCC establishes the lowest health plan benefit threshold an individual must have in order to meet the requirement for Massachusetts residents to have health insurance. Regulations defining minimum creditable coverage have been established by the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority Board effective January 1, 2009.

Does MCC apply to me?
MCC applies to Massachusetts residents who are 18 years or older.

What happens if my plan does not meet the MCC standards?
If your plan does not meet the MCC standards you may face a tax penalty.

How is MCC compliance being reported and monitored?
The Massachusetts Health Care Reform law requires most residents over the age of 18 to prove that they have health care coverage or pay penalty. Individuals will be required to transcribe data contained in the MA 1099-HC form to their annual state income tax filing statement provided by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR).

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