Payment Required for Retroactively Adding Employees or Dependents

When an employee or a dependent (spouse, child, etc.) is being added to an account with an effective start date prior to today, the first month's premium for any person(s) being added to the account will need to be paid if today's date is after the 25th of the month being requested.

We recommend making a one-time electronic payment online by logging into your account at, as the fastest way to make your payment.

If you prefer to call or mail in a payment to our offices, please read the details of  how to make a payment.

Examples Dates and Scenarios:

Adding an Employee and/or Dependents

Effective Start Date No Money Needed If Processed By Need the 1st Month's Premium
5/1 5/25 After 5/25
6/1 6/25 After 6/25
7/1 7/25 After 7/25
8/1 8/25 After 8/25
9/1 9/25 After 9/25
10/1 10/25 After 10/25
11/1 11/25 After 11/25
12/1 12/25 After 12/25

Changing Carriers

Effective Start Date No Money Needed If Processed By Need the 1st Month's Premium
5/1 5/25 After 5/25
6/1 6/25 After 6/2
7/1 7/25 After 7/25
8/1 8/25 After 8/25
9/1 9/25 After 9/25
10/1 10/25 After 10/25
11/1 11/25 After 11/25
12/1 12/25 After 12/25
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